

Contact form

[sourcecode language=”html”]
  • header - header text
  • mailto - email address
  • subject - subject of the admin mail
  • name - name field placeholder
  • email - email field placeholder
  • message - message field placeholder
  • buttontext
  • placeholders - show placeholders, placeholders are labels inside inputs which disappear when content is entered - yes; no;
  • success - success message
  • fail - error, error message

Google maps

[sourcecode language=”html”]
[google_maps doubleclickzoom="false"
latitude="51.523800" longitude="-0.15836"
infoaddress1="221 Baker Street, London,"
infoaddress2="United Kingdom"
infophone="+44 20 1234 5678"
infoemail="[email protected]"]
  • height
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • zoom
  • scrollwheel
  • doubleclickzoom
  • style - map style - default; mono;


[sourcecode language=”html”]
[newsletter info="Sign up..."
buttontext="Subscribe" subject="Nonus newsletter"]
  • header - header text
  • placeholder - placeholder text for input
  • info - additional information
  • buttontext
  • success - success message
  • fail - fail message
  • mailto - subscription receiver mail
  • subject - subject of the admin mail


[sourcecode language=”html”]
[twitter user="createitpl" limit="3"
key="..." secret="..."
token="..." token_secret="..."]
  • user - username, twitter username
  • key - customer key
  • secret - customer secret
  • token - access token
  • token_secret - token secret, access token secret
  • limit - limit news
  • button - follow us button, follow us button label. leave blank to hide it
  • newwindow - new window?, open in new window follow us button?
  • parseurl - you can display links from the content as plain text, short html links or full html links - plain; short; display;
  • parsemedia - you can display media links from the content as plain text or 3 types of html links - plain; short; display; expanded;
  • parseid - parse user id?, display user @ids as plain text or links - yes; no;
  • parsehashtag - parse hashtag?, display #hashtags as plain text or links - yes; no;
  • img - embed images?, embed images into posts content? - yes; no;
  • imgsize - size of embeded images?, embedded image size - thumb; small; medium; large;
  • maxlength - tweet length limit, max length of the tweet
  • cache - cache results for x seconds, cache twitter feeds for better performance ex. 900 = 15 minutes. 0 - disabled
  • animation_speed - animation speed, in miliseconds ex. 2000 is 2 seconds
  • animation - animate this element once it becomes visible. supported animations:


[sourcecode language=”html”]
[socials headertext="Follow us" fb="octavus"
twit="octavus" dribbble="octavus"
google="octavus" linkedin="octavus"
pinterest="octavus" flickr="octavus"
youtube="octavus" vimeo="octavus"
skype="octavus" email="[email protected]"]
  • header - header text
  • fb - facebook username
  • twit - twitter username
  • dribbble - dribbble username
  • google - google+ username
  • linkedin - linkedin username
  • pinterest - pinterest username
  • flickr - flickr username
  • tumblr - tumblr username
  • instagram - instagram username
  • youtube - youtube movie
  • phone - phone number to call by skype
  • phonelabel - phone tooltip label
  • skype - skype user
  • website - website url - with http://
  • email - email address
  • emaillabel - email tooltip label
  • rss - show rss feed link? - no; yes;

Flickr photostream

[sourcecode language=”html”]
[flickr user="..."]
  • header - header text
  • user - user id, pulling from a flickr user. you can find id here
  • group - group id, pulling from a flickr group. you can find id here
  • set - set id, pulling from a flickr user's set. you can find id here
  • num - number of images
  • order - order type - latest; random;
  • size - s; t; m;
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